vulva mapping / yoni massage
This is one of my favourite sessions to offer to clients.
Most people have the lived experience of touching their genitals in either very specific goal-oriented ways, or not at all. When we go to receive massage, our entire pelvis is overlooked. The part of us that literally holds up all of our organs all day long. Our root, the place where alignment supports us in feeling secure, stable, and safe, is holistically ignored. When we DO pay attention to our genitals, it is often the same arousal-based and climax-oriented space.
The mapping process slows EVERYTHING down. It is an invitation for you to feel MORE of your pelvis, your hips, your inner thighs, your inguinal crease. It is mindful and present touch that is communicative. It pays attention to tight spots where your body is holding tension. It invites pleasure into the experience of undoing those tight spots and creating more space for energy to move through your body.
As we create our orgasmic pleasure patterns through our life, we are creating exceptionally strong neurological pathways. Imagine walking through the woods on a trail that has been walked by thousands of feet before yours. It is easy, cleared, you can get to where you want to go faster than veering off of the path. And what happens when you DO veer off the trail? Maybe you find mushrooms to forage for, maybe you catch a glimpse of some wildlife, maybe you discover a secret pond?
We have these magnificent and complex and challenging bodies that we get to experience being alive as a human being on this planet. That is the game. We just get to be a human. These bodies are our intrinsically wired computers that didn’t come with a manual, but we slowly can learn to comprehend and listen to how we intend to move through this world, instead of moving how capitalism and patriarchal systems tell us to move.
By igniting and releasing your genitals, your pelvis, (and your anus, too, if you feel so bold!), we are igniting life force energy into our bodies. We are igniting pleasure, emotions, excitement, grief, joy, sorrow. We are releasing whatever has been stored in this part of your body your whole life and inviting your pelvis into the conversation.
Our holes are our portals, from the ethereal to the physical. So many forces are up against us to forget the quantum access we have as physical beings. Pleasure is revolutionary.